Page 6 - Evelyn, House of Hair and Beauty - Brochure
P. 6
There’s no escaping it: like a fabulous extensions, and the A-listers’ ‘Brazilian
pair of shoes, great hair drives how Blow Out’ for awless frizz free hair.
you feel and approach each day.
But rst comes the EVELYN 13-step
Maybe you’re looking for simple consultation. We listen and learn
enhancements that can refresh and about you, bounce around ideas,
elevate your look. Or perhaps, like and work with you using digital
life itself, it’s time to go bold.
imagery, bespoke Pinterest boards
and other media to shape a plan
Colour, cut, shape, length – the that’s uniquely you.
possibilities are infinite, including
customised Kerestase and the art of Then the magic can begin.
Shu Uemura Japanese rituals, hair