Page 13 - Evelyn, House of Hair and Beauty - Brochure
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Millions of people have enjoyed the skin, lines and wrinkles. We can 

bene ts of Botox, and you can do also address skin imperfections (such 

the same at EVELYN. Botox reduces as skin tags, age spots and areas 

the activity in your facial muscles, of skin pigmentation) using Cryopen 

improving the look of moderate/ freeze technology.

severe crows’ feet lines.

EVELYN also introduces some fresh 

An alternative approach – dermal inspiration with Microblading, the 

 llers –  lls those areas with collagen, tattoo technique for an everyday 

smoothing out lines and lifting and effortless eyebrow shape to a 

plumping up the skin.
professional make-up artist standard.

Alternatively, discover our ‘4-Minute Every member of EVELYN’s treatment 

Non-Surgical Facelift’, which uses team is a trained specialist and, where 

high-pressure carbon-dioxide to required, is professionally certi ed in 

help improve the appearance of
the disciplines they administer.


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